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Basic informations

Company METALKOV MB s.r.o. was founded in 1997.

Company is engaged in metal-working – machining, welding and parts stamping, Mainly by cold forming.

Our manufacturing programme consists of custom manufacturing and in production of cramps, made from both steel sheets, or metal castings, up to 3 metres in length.

Equally important is production of industrial water purifiers, that we produce since year 2001. As these are very complex machines from stainless steel, We have high standards on professional expertise of our workers in fields like welding and metal processing.

We produce parts of prefabricated houses for Austrian company Since 2005.

Our other products include transport racks for automotive industry and other accessories

To keep high quality of all mentioned products and those products we plan for future years, and to satisfy needs of our customers we implemented system of quality control, approved by certification body TÜV in year 2003. Which complies with norm ČNS EN ISO 9001:2009.

Address and contacts

Dopravní 127

Moravské Budějovice

676 02

Česká republika

Tel.:Zákaznická linka: +420 568 420 656

Mob.:+420 603 485 665




Promotional materials

K udržení vysoké kvality všech našich výrobků a pro uspokojování požadavků našich zákazníků, má společnost od r. 2003 zaveden a udržován systém řízení a jakosti, schválený certifikačním orgánem TÜV, který vyhovuje normě ČNS EN ISO 9001:2009 Download
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