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Basic informations

PRIMASTYL sheltered workshop Ltd. supplies and sews to order the single-use working clothes and protective aids in the industry and medical care.

The company a holder of quality certificate according to CSN EN ISO 9001:200. We employ more than 50% people with disabilities. This fact enables to apply facultative compensation in terms of act §81, 435/2004 Coll. Thanks to that we are able to save considerable amounts of payments to the state budget.
We offer: suits, overalls, trousers with bib, trousers, shorts, clothes for food industry, blouses, kitchen jackets, trousers, hats, gloves, warning clothes, insulated clothes, vests, jackets, caps, advertising clothes, shoes, gloves and other protective equipment.

Address and contacts

Tyršova 997

Staré Město

686 03

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 572 541 341

Mob.:+420 603 145 437

Fax: +420 572 541 472



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