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Basic informations

STAVER Company, Ltd. provides complex building of GROUND STRUCTURES, especially TURN-KEY FAMILY HOUSES constructions, further providing of complex RECONSTRUCTIONS, MODERNIZATIONS OF BUILDING OBJECTS, BUILDING MAINTANANCE. The company also provides GROUND WORKS, CUTTING OF BITUMINOUS SURFACES; it provides sand and aggregates transport. The company also provides with a coprehensive equipping of the interiors – sanitary facilities equipping, water plumbing installation, sewage drains, gas installation, floor and central heating systems. The company implements entire exterior works, including material supply – overhead service completing, outdoor paving, pavements, fencing, septic tanks shouldering, waste water collectors, sewerage plants. The company dispozes with its own machinery and devices, handling devices and means of transport, that are needed for the company´s activities. The company also owns storehouses, workrooms, garages and other necessary facilities. More information is available on the web

Address and contacts

Žižkova 393


538 54

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 469 671 118, 469 671 661

Mob.:+420 777 672 071

Fax: +420 469 671 118



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