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Basic informations

Certified Welding school Plasty- Měď. Registered centre of skilled gas education [appointment GAS s. r. o. PRAHA] ensures: The basic courses of plastic welding - water, heating, sewerage, pools.
Specialized courses for welders of gas conduits from PE (C-U/P xxx). Copper soldering, water, heating, cooling, air conditioning, gas supply line according to TDG 700 01. Courses for assemblers of gas system according to notice 21/79 Selection. [examinations ITI]. Courses for insulators of gas system. Training is given within the system ČSSP and ČSS ANB. We provide welding works, loan and sale of welding technique, consultancy.

Address and contacts

Zelený pruh 1294/50

Praha 4

147 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 244 466 653-5

Mob.:+420 606 347 326, 606 805 761 a 2

Fax: +420 244 466 655



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