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Základní informace

Certified Welding school Plasty- Měď. Registered centre of skilled gas education [appointment GAS s. r. o. PRAHA] ensures: The basic courses of plastic welding - water, heating, sewerage, pools.
Specialized courses for welders of gas conduits from PE (C-U/P xxx). Copper soldering, water, heating, cooling, air conditioning, gas supply line according to TDG 700 01. Courses for assemblers of gas system according to notice 21/79 Selection. [examinations ITI]. Courses for insulators of gas system. Training is given within the system ČSSP and ČSS ANB. We provide welding works, loan and sale of welding technique, consultancy.

Adresa a kontakty

Zelený pruh 1294/50

Praha 4

147 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 244 466 653-5

Mob.:+420 606 347 326, 606 805 761 a 2

Fax: +420 244 466 655



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