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Basic informations

The company ELEKON Ltd. is engaged in producing COMMERCIAL-PURPOSE CLOCKS. It produces and supplies generators of synchronous time, various clock types (analogue clocks, digital clocks, clocks for exterior, town street clocks, tower and façade clocks), school bells, electric drives for church bells, time-recorders (clock stamps), text panels and sports information boards. More than 50 % of its overall production volume is exported to EU countries. Due to this fact, the trade mark MOBATIME has become the synonym for accurate time for many users worldwide. The company is ready to meet the customers’ requirements by both its own products and imported goods from the best world manufacturers. In addition to high quality goods, it offers also its long-term servicing.

Address and contacts

Brněnská 411/15


682 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 517 302 000

Fax: +420 517 302 001



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