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Basic informations

INSTITUT PRO TESTOVÁNÍ A CERTIFIKACI, a. s. (ITC) is an independent testing, calibrating, certification, consulting and inspection comapany acting in the area of quality and safety assessment of products, certification of control management and environmental management and in the area of engineering standards. ITC has a certified quality control system according to ČSN EN ISO 9001. ACTION RANGE: 1, safety assessment of products with requirments of directives (marking of products with a trade mark CE): toys, personal means of protection, building products, sanitary means, active implantabile sanitary means, in vitro diagnostic sanitary means, electrical equipments of low tension, electromagnetic compatibility. 2, testing and product verification in accredited testing and calibrating laboratory. 3, control system certification according to ISO 9001, ISO 14 001, OHSAS 18001, HACCP, ČSN EN ISO 13485. 4, voluntary certification – trade mark “ITC – certified quality”; “Safety toys”. 5, engineering standards, process consultation in product introduction to the Czech Republic, The Slovak Republic, EU; 6, expert's opinions. SPHERE OF ACTIVITY: rubber, plastic, chemical, food, textile, tanning, shoe, civil engineering, glass, paper, pharmaceutical, gas, petrochemical, wood, electrical, automotive industry. Further production of machinery, electrical equipments and optical equipments, information technology. Also finance and insurance industry, health service, transport, hotel industry, public administration, social services. More detailed information find at web site of ITC:

Address and contacts

třída Tomáše Bati 299, Louky



Česká republika

Tel.:+420 572 779 922

Mob.:+420 734 766 321




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