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Basic informations

The Libor Brom – MOSTR company deals with manufacture of SHEET METAL FORMING MACHINES, in particular for use in tinsmith's, locksmith's and maintenance workshops and plants. Products: MACHINES – Bending machines, Rolling machines, Shears, Marking machines, Claw machines, Pressing machines, Punching machines, Drilling machines, Tinsmith's tools and instruments, Edging machines, Band sawing machines, Building material conveyors, Press brakes. TINSMITH SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS, ROOF MATERIALS, BUS STOPS. The company is aimed at folding platform MASTS (lighting systems up to length of 12 meters) and public lighting masts in towns and municipalities, in particular special masts for historical centers. More can be found at The Libor Brom – MOSTR company provides its customers with warranty period of minimum 24 months after the date of sale for own products and warranty service within 48 hours over the territory of the Czech Republic.

Address and contacts

Prachovice u Dašic 17


530 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 466 950 826

Mob.:+420 603 806 182, 603 187 890

Fax: +420 466 950 866



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