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Základní informace

The firm AMM s.r.o. Otahal offers to its customers plastic products from polypropylene and polyethylene of very high quality, locksmithery and joinery as well. All products correspond to the Czech hygiene regulations according to the certificate n. 08-T-204. Products are resistant to usual chemicals and aggessive environment. Many years of production practice and experience ensure workmanship, quality and reliability. Our products satisfy customer's wish. Products offered by AMM s.r.o.: SWIMMING POOLS - family pools with solid bottom. Material is healthly and hygienicly unobjectionable. Construction material for swimming pools is from homogeneous copolymen stabilized againts UV radiation. Swimming pools are supplied in basic blue colour and colour stability is guaranteed. Swimming pools are manufactured of various shapes (round, angular, eight etc) and dimensions. We also supply swimming pool accessories - filtration equipment, shower, skimmer, reversible nozzles, lights, stairs built-in the swimming pool, backflow, warming. It is possible to buy sewage plants, septic tanks, septic tanks for liquid home waste, tanks for wine-growers, storage reservoirs for drinking water, grease-traps, oil separators, ranks, gratings. There is a possibilty of abnormal dimensions. Our motto: a good investment - a guarantee of good times!!! You can learn more information on above-mentioned telephone addresses and we look forward to your visit!!!

Adresa a kontakty

Kobylí 723

Kobylí na Moravě

691 10

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 519 431 830 - 1

Fax: +420 519 431 288



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