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Základní informace

The company Apis deals with a window insulation. Advantages of this method consist in a reduction of thermal loss about 40 – 60 %, improvement of sound proofing about 30 %, removal of window retting up to 95 %, modernization of old windows easily and quickly without any disturbation of room operation. We provide not binding and free calculation for all customers, which subsists the examination existing windows (curtains, tiltable mechanism, paintings, necessary small wood repairs), needed dimension bearing, in a calculation of quotation according to agreed parameters and issue of original documents. There is possible to utilize a bulk discount in a large order. We provide 5 years guarantee on assembly works and also on double glazing units. All used materials are supplied by renowned producers, attested by measurement and quality certificate. For more information contact us at above-mentioned telephone numbers or visit our web site

Adresa a kontakty

část Bílany 107


767 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 800 100 307, 573 335 935, 573 330 878

Mob.:+420 605 271 659, 603 175 464



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