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Základní informace

company CANAVA Ltd. produces hole-reaming machines and special fixtures. Hole-reaming machines – reamers are made of steel, cutting edges of fine-grained sintered carbid (SC) (except solid reamers, these are all of SC); all the operating surface included in cutting is grinded and lapped by special diamond discs. USE – for machine reaming, in cases where higher cutting speed is needed along with high accuracy of reamed holes and high durability of the machine. OUR OFFER – machine reamer with straight solid shank made of SC (with or without TiAIN coating), standard or special design, reamers with large irregularity of jag spacing. SERVICES: counselling service in the field of hole-reaming, solving the cutting technology for machine producers considering precise hole production, we would install our reamers right into your manufactures - re-sharpening and renovation of machines supplied by our company – staff training – structural design projects and special SC machine production. For more information please visit our web page.

Adresa a kontakty

U továren 770/1b, areál Techo

Praha - Hostivař

102 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 272 705 251

Mob.:+420 602 653 179

Fax: +420 272 705 251



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