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Základní informace

Production programme of the company DOLS-výroba Dveří, Oken, Listovních Schránek, a.s. is oriented to 3 basic areas. METAL WORKING PRODUCTION is focused primarily on production of LETTER-POST BOXES, and their assemblies for mass housing development. Another segment of activities, with significant share in overall production, is production of PARTS FOR COMMERCIAL RACKS, racks for presentation of textile products and other various racks. As the third component of the production programme remains the production of STEEL PRODUCTS for building industry, like RAILINGS, STAIRCASES, ATYPICAL DOORS, etc. For production of PLASTIC WINDOWS are used plastic sections of the company VEKA, 5-7chamber sectional system VEKA TOPLINE. While applying these sections, it is possible to imitate stylish wooden windows – in their execution, shape and colour. For production of ALUMINIUM ELEMENTS, applied are sectional systems of firms REYNAERS and Schuco. These materials are used to produce WINDOWS, DOORS, FACADES and WINTER GARDENS. Accessories: WINDOW-SILLS, ROLLER BLINDS, VENETIAN BLINDS, INSECT NETS. Regarding more detailed information, we refer to our website

Adresa a kontakty

Nemocniční 734/13


787 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 583 710 111

Mob.:Zelená linka: +420 800 185 247

Fax: +420 583 710 190



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