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Základní informace

Formica is private firm without foreign participation, dealing with development and production of industrial machines for welding and plasma cutting. The basic production programme is step switched welding semi-automats for welding in protective atmosphere using MIG/MAG method in the extent of 160-600 A and continously adjustable welding semi-automats in the extent of 280-600 A. The mentioned machines are produced in a compact realization, then with separated feeder or with arm, dry or water-cooled. Another part f production programme is step switched plasma cutting devices, air, cooled by water or air in the extent of 140-320 A. A separate part of production programme is continously adjustable plasma cutting devices in the extent of 160-200 A. Moreover the firm has in its production programme devices for a TIG method, for welding with covered electrode and also deals with a sale of welding inverters, additional materials, welding wires and other welding accessories.

Adresa a kontakty

Spojovacia 7


949 01

Česká republika

Tel.:00 421 37 6524593

Mob.:00 421 903 225 662

Fax: 00 421 37 6524596



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