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Základní informace

The company FORNAX Karlovy Vary offers complete solution of fire-resistant linings (project, thermal calculations, project of materials including technology of treatment and building-in, professional mounting, eventually demounting, drying of linings, guarantee and post-guarantee servicing). We introduced control system of quality according to ISO 9000-CSN EN 9001-2002. The main activity is production: -fluidized-bed boilers (combustion equipment, furnaces for production of building materials, chemical furnaces, metallurgical furnaces) - industrial furnaces (thermal metal treatment, ceramics and china, glass industry) - electric furnaces and gas furnaces (car-type furnace, box-type furnace, tunnel furnace, bell furnace).

Adresa a kontakty

Chebská 116

Karlovy Vary

360 06

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 353 435 111, 353 435 101

Mob.:+420 602 415 051

Fax: +420 353 563 695



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