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Základní informace

The INTEROBAL company dealsi with a production, advisory services and business activity in field of wrapping materials, wrapping technologies and processing of expanded materials, that reliably protect the technically exacting and sensitive product (for example laboratory tools, computer, measuring and regulation systems, precise mechanics, plastic and varnished units and so forth). PRODUCTION PROGRAM: Plastic processing, PE, PP and PU foams; jointing tapes and further materials for civil engineering; boxes, PE doses and PP doses, internal fillings; shipping containers and warehousing containers, cases, boxes; technical plastic parts; sound and further insulation materials and sealings; surface treatment of parts - colour spraying; shipping containers with an utilization of bonded fabric. The company experience guarantees excellent work in a wrapping industry. Materials are characterized by strenght, flexibility and high resistance against percussion, water and humidity, according to new standards they can be recycled and they are environmentally friendly. The company is a certificate holder according to EN ISO 9001:2000 standard. More detailed information find on our web site

Adresa a kontakty

Horomyslická 315


330 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 377 188 911


Fax: +420 377 188 900



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