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Základní informace

At present the firm Atmos is one of the greatest European producer of boilers for solid propellants. The assortment includes boilers for wood from 15 up to 100 kW, boilers for coal and wood from 18 up to 50 kW, boilers for pellets from 4,5 up to 45 kW and combined boilers for wood, pellets, gas and extra LTO in a power from 15 up to 35 kW. The firm exports more than 80% its production abroad, especially to Sweden, Austria, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovakia and republics of Soviet Union. All detailed information about all types of boilers and their adventures find at

Adresa a kontakty

Velenského 487

Bělá pod Bezdězem

294 21

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 326 701 404

Fax: +420 326 701 492


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