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Základní informace

Jihostroj a.s. is stable productive company, which use long-time tradition and experiences in the sphere of exact engineering. The company is engaged in production of planes, cars, agricultural machines and another mobile technology. The company has perspicuous strategy of development with a view to another development, production, sale and service of high-quality components from the branch of car hydraulic, fuel control system of planes and other technical equipment of transport and handling substances. Development strategy of the company determines innovative activities that are specialized in constant development of the products and their perfection. We concurrently build progressive technological bases in terms of investment company development. We accentuate wide global cooperation in terms of worldwide industrial trade, result is steady increase of export. Since 1994 has been steady export increase 15% yearly. The company is certificated according to norm ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and has valid certificate which justifies production and services for aircraft industry EASA 21 and EASA 145. In terms of our business activities Jihostroj got capital interest in companies JAWA Moto, s.r.o. Týnec nad Sázavou.

Adresa a kontakty

Budějovická 148


382 32

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 380 340 511

Fax: +420 380 340 612



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