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Základní informace

The company KARTONOBALY s.r.o. is engaged in packing production from three-layer, five-layer paste-boards and microwaves. We produce standard packagings according to fefco catalogue, then there are atypical packagings according to client’s requirements. We are engaged also in production of octabins. Our company offers another packing material, as hand and machine foils, paste-boards, paper tapes, banding tapes, food foils, food sacks, bubble foils, bubble wrappers, two-layer paste-boards in roll and sheets and many others. In our offer you can find two-coloured print of own packagings. We provide to our consumer high-quality products, flexible service, consultancy and favourable prices. If you are interested, please contact us.

Adresa a kontakty

Modrá 44

Jílové u Děčína

407 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 412 558 279

Mob.:+420 608 965 914

Fax: +420 412 558 279



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