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Základní informace

The company KOMEXTHERM Praha, spol s r. o. is a traditional Czech producer of the heating and regulating equipment. It acts about three-way and four-way heterodynes, regulators for equity regulation, regulator for continuous regulation according to inside temperature, regulators for solar systems, concatenated switch boilers, regulator for steady temperature confinement, regulator for regulation without heterodynes, charging automatics for storage systems, accessories for regulators, sensors, servodrives, electro- accumulative boilers, distributors, retention basins with one or two tubular exchangers. Due to built network of contractual services over the whole Czech and Slovak Republic it also provides assembly, customer service and adjustment. The goods is possible to also purchase by the hand of e-trade. More information find at web site

Adresa a kontakty

Augustova 236/1

Praha 6 - Řepy

163 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 235 313 284

Fax: +420 235 313 286


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