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Základní informace

The company MetalPlast Lipník n. B. a.s. deals with a construction, production and following sale of products following with requirements of our customers and following technological possibilities: PLASTICS INJECTION, PRESSING OF SHEET PARTS, PRESSURE CASTING OF PRODUCTS FROM ZINC ALLOY, RADIO FREQUENCY WELDING, PRESSING OF FIBROUS MATERIALS AND VULCANFIBRE (production of seal, protective welding masks and protective shields, decorative cans). We provide surface treatment of parts for our customers. For following series production it secures a PRODUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TOOLS, FORMS AND APPLIANCES, own tool factory. At present furniture and coffer fittings, mouldings for automotive industry and production of interior car lining produce a majority of production. The company is certified according to norms ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949, ISO 14001.

Adresa a kontakty

Seminárka 109

Lipník nad Bečvou

751 31

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 581 726 111

Mob.:+420 777 768 125

Fax: +420 581 726 255



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