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Základní informace

The company ROKOV - Oldřich Šlor delivers and installs HEAT PUMPS with a different combination incoming and outgoing energy, it comes to this, heat pumps type water (earth)/water, air/water, water/air or air/air. Heat pumps are economic and ecological arrangement, utilizing renewable energy from environment and transmuting to heat used for buildings heating and supply water warming. It delivers and installs SOLAR PANELS for * warming TUV, heating a bit more (heating TUV by the help of other sources (furnace, boiler)), * Solar panels - hot-air (serves to heating a bit more of objects in transition period in combination with classic central heating or electric direct heating), * Swimming-pool heating (see www), * Solar panels - Photovoltaic systems are alternative funds, offering green, confident and simple resolution of eletric energy delivery in the place where the mains is not available. HEATING - FURNACES, among the most used furnace belons: furnaces Buderus and furnaces ACV. SANITARY CONVENIENCES - * mixing taps, * baths and shower baths, * ceramics, * sinks, * distribution. More on www.

Adresa a kontakty

nám. 9. května 199

Rosice nad Labem

533 51

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 466 413 420

Mob.:+420 777 660 940

Fax: +420 466 413 420



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