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Základní informace

The company SARY s.r.o. has dealt with processing of plastics by injection and extrusion since 1993. We own modern technologies and we are able to process technical plastics hard to process. We offer to our customers quality products for profitable prices. *INJECTION OF PLASTICS* on modern moulding machines Engel, Battenfeld, Krauss Maffei, Boy. The weight of mouldings is to 1000 g. Processed materials: PA, POM, ABS, PC, PS, PP, PE , elastomer etc. We manufacture to order technical mouldings and common consumer parts e.g. parts for shower units, electrotechnics, water distributions (e.g. siphons, shaped pieces), film boxes, water filters, hose clasps, various blind flanges, catches and capping strips, cog wheels etc. We ensure production of a mould including design documentation with subsequent production of plastic parts on the basis of customer's requirements. *EXTRUSION OF PLASTICS* on extrusion production lines - sections of materials PVC, ABS, PP etc. We realize coextrusion - it means using of two materials in one section. We manufacture to order various extruded sections and slats for wide scale of using in building and industry, e.g. cover rails, sealing sections, bathtube slats, dilatation strips into concrete and pavings, plaster slats, scrapering slats etc. We ensures production of extrusion head and calibration with subsequent production of slats on the basis of the customer's requirements... In case of further questions please contact us on above mentioned telephone numbers or visit our web site ( ). We look forward to you!!!

Adresa a kontakty

Pražská 21, Neratovice - Byškovice

okres Mělník

277 11

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 315 682 315, 315 684 520

Fax: +420 315 684 520



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