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Základní informace

The company SITTECH CZ ensures distribution, production and technical servicing in the field of industrial sealing. We supply only quality products from quality materials from renowned firms like Dichtomatik, Merkel, Simrit, Guarnitec, Seal-Maker, Rubena, Chetra, Temac, Donit, etc... FIRM ASSORTMENT: asbestos-free flat sealings, metal sealings, sealings for self-sealing lids of high-pressure fittings, textile-rubber sealings TP - circles, ovals, bands, sealings for rotary movement, sets of sealings for building machines, sealings for hydraulics and pneumatics, filling cords, filling rings, mechanical fillings of pumps, insulation cords and industrial textiles for high temperature, hoses, rubber, plastics (PTFE programme), means for maintenance... and many others. We ensure production of sealing and rubber or plastic pieces to order. We supply cork products from the Czech manufacturer. In a case of further question please contact us on above-mentioned telephone numbers or visit our web site ( We look forward to you!!!

Adresa a kontakty

V Luhu 3343


435 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 476 441 324, 476 127 280

Fax: +420 476 108 937




Propagační materiály firmy

KATALOG ke stažení Stáhnout
Certifikát ISO 14001-2016 EN ke stažení Stáhnout
Certifikát ISO9001-2016 EN ke stažení Stáhnout
Certifikát ISO9001-2016 ke stažení Stáhnout
Certifikát ISO 14001-2016 CZ ke stažení Stáhnout
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