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Základní informace

The company SP PROFIT spol.s.r.o. has been established 1995. Firm domicile is village Zbraslav u Brna which is situated between Vlká Bítěš and Rosice approximately 6 km from the high way Praha-Brno. We specialize on production and supply of wooden and plastic EURO windows and doors (which includes bars and jalousie), inner doors and other products for building joinery. Because of high quality and very reasonable price of product we have extended production. Our customer range includes firms, for which we provide complete orders as well as individual orders. The company supplies with semi-factored product other window producers.

Adresa a kontakty

Masarykova 21

Zbraslav u Brna

664 88

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 546 210 321

Mob.:+420 777 734 556

Fax: +420 546 211 578



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