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Základní informace

SYSTEMOTRONIC, s. r. o. deals with distribution of electric components. From the part of light current electrical engineering is acting in security and also in classic sensors of firms PILZ and MOELLER, light gates of the firm called REER and control panel facilities to 1000 W, including automation and security technology of firms PILZ, WOERTZ and MOELLER. From the part of distribution of electric energy offers the unique resolving aided of band cable of WOERTZ, or aided distribution system up to 5000 A of FUKURAWA firm. In the event of your interest, we may closely associated firm recommend. This firm ensures projection system, mechanical and electrical part rebuilding of your machine. For more information visit our web sites - PRODUCTS OF THE FIRM: Security and master technology PILZ, light drapes REER, control panel facilities MOELLER, binding clips system and band cables system WOERTZ, distribution system and transformers LEGRAND, silicon isolators FURUKAWA.

Adresa a kontakty

Hybešova 38


602 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 538 707 111


Fax: +420 538 707 110



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