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Základní informace

The company was established on March in 1991. Whole conception of production contens was premised on development, construction and produce of machines with mechanical drive. The main premise was enough special potential of employees. From the beginning has been the own development concentrated on development and production of degreasing machines which work with perchlorine. It was mainly through machine with big hour efficiency. Later we made even bath hermetically impervious machine. This machine still works and not exceed allowed emission value even today. With expansion of new ecological preparations we switched over to production of automatic machines on aqueous preparations. In 1994 we started cooperate with german company for which we have made various machines for naval vessels.

Adresa a kontakty

Soukenická 76


550 20

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 491 523 577

Fax: +420 491 523 589



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