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Základní informace

The firm FEROSTAR is a Czech private company specialised in mechanical engineering. For 25 years our production programme has been concentrating on metal working and manufacturing of tight, exchangeable and untypical parallel keys (straight sunk keys). Tight parallel keys serve to joint spline shafts with hubs, using splineways, which are milled into both shafts and hubs. Parallel keys are then inserted into the splineways, which produces a very strong joint between the shaft and the hub, which, however, can easily be taken apart at any time. While implementing your orders we strictly observe the quality of our performance and timely fulfilment of terms of delivery. In 1999 we adopted quality standard ČSN EN ISO 9002 and this year we renewed quality standard ČSN EN ISO 9001:2001. The company is situated 50 km from Brno, 15 min by car from D1 motorway (exit Velké Meziříčí).

Adresa a kontakty

Zámek 441


594 51

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 566 543 210



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