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Základní informace

The GWSYSTEM spol. s.r.o . offers sale, import, repairs and servicing : measuring and regulation techiques, electromagnetic valves for gaseous and liquid medias DN1, 2-65mm, electromagnetic valves up to temperature +180C and realization Eex, electromagnetic valves for neutral and agressive medias, piston valves with angle saddle, regulation piston valves with pozicioner up to temperatures +180 C, valves for agressive medias out of stainless materials PA, PP, PVDF, PVC, compact slide-in regulator of pressure, warmth, flow and timer for electromagnetic valves, modular execution of electromagnetic valves for assembly into blocks, units for modifications of air, filters, inhibitors and screw connection, and material for high and low pressures up to PN 500 bar, calibrated hoses out of PVC and PA, digital converters of flow, further of pressurue, temperature, conductivity and level sensors ( ultrasonic, capacitive, float). Complete consultancy services, short delivery terms, possibility of deliveries - door sale, import, sale , repairs and services of the BURKERT techniques GmbH.

Adresa a kontakty

Prosenice 180


751 21

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 581 226 180/360

Fax: +420 581 226 181/361



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