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Základní informace

The main company activity is to provide complete supply of buildings in areas of structural engineering and specific activities in areas of water buildings. ** Building of custom-made houses. ** Buildings, superstructures. ** Building of commercial and selling areas, administrative areas, health service buildings and social buildings. ** Industrial buildings. ** Buildings reconstruction. ** Monumental objects. ** Special buildings, sports facilities. ** Swimming pools – public, private, pools technology. ** Also roofs, insulation, casing, paving, heat insulation, floors, redevelopment, ** Interiors and exteriors setup. ** Winter gardens, landscape set-up. ** Building proposal and preparation, contract documents – for area management, building arrangement, building construction, documentation for building supplier (budget), cooperation – author supervision. ** Broad range of fireplaces and tiled stoves. ** Registered office is in Letohrade, where are offices, shop, stockroom, restaurant and parking place and also building in Vysoke Myto with offices and stockroom. Find more information about company at

Adresa a kontakty

Šedivská 739


561 51

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 465 621 603

Mob.:+420 602 454 507

Fax: +420 465 621 893



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