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Základní informace

The company KoHal - assembled halls specialist – is engaged in production and assembly of assembled halls, production halls, storage halls, sport halls, riding-halls, haylofts, hangars for planes, halls with or without heat cladding, various roofing and others that have big usage for many firms. Assembled halls, steel halls and hall systems are developed according to norms and building rules that are valid for EU countries. Other important activities of our company are reconstructions and revisions of older assembled halls with sheathing from technical textile, including all repairs and services. We offer demounting of existing halls. Integral parts are also purchase and sale of older assembled halls that are coated by technical textile. In the sphere of metal-production we especially attend to whole-opened assembled sliding walls that are part of assembled halls production. We also produce dog pens, garages, fences, bus stops, bicycles stands, gates and gateways of various forms, sizes and usage. Integral part of company’s production are also locksmith works, mainly welding, cutting, grinding, pressing, punching, bending, etc., which abide by the needs and demands of our clients.

Adresa a kontakty

Opatovec 151


568 02

Česká republika

Mob.:+420 777 593 210, 775 593 210



Propagační materiály firmy

certifikace procesu řízení výroby na ocelové montované haly Stáhnout
certifikace na technickou textilií o TZU Stáhnout
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