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Základní informace

The LAO – průmyslové systémy, s.r.o. company operates in the field of supplies of equipment for science, research and training and commercial sphere, it offers complex solution in the field of industrial laser, optical and optoelectronic applications. The SCIENTIFIC APPLICATION DIVISION is aimed at the following fields: ● Lasers, laser systems and accessories, ● Optical components, ● Mechanical elements, ● Optoelectronic components and systems, ● Measuring instruments and systems. The INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION DIVISION supplies laser technologies – independent lasers, as well as complex solution in the field of the following industrial laser applications: ● Marking and engraving, ● Cutting, ● Welding, ● Drilling, ● Systems, technology solutions.

Adresa a kontakty

Na Floře 1328/4

Praha 4

143 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 731 153 171

Mob.:+420 731 153 171

Fax: +420 241 046 850



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