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Základní informace

The firm ŠUSTÁK MIROSLAV deals especially with building activity and production of garage gates. * MANUFACTURING PROGRAMME *: 1.) BUILDING ACTIVITY - Turnkey buildings, facade insulating, plasterboard assembly. 2.) GARAGE GATES - Hinged garage gates, sectional garage gates, roto-garage gates. 3.) SUN-BLINDS - Horizontal sun-blinds, vertical sun-blinds, outside sun-blinds. 4.) VENTROWINDOW BLINDS - Ventrowindow blinds are gaining still larger favour in the Czech Republic. Due to its costruction they can be used in all types. 5.) MARCHIONESSES - Our firm offers you a supply and assembly of marchionesses from Climax Servis. 6.) FLY SCREENS - Our firm offers you a supply and assembly of fly screens from Climax Servis. In a case of further questions please contact us at above-mentioned telephone numbers or visit our web sites ( We are looking forward to see you!!!

Adresa a kontakty

Žitná 1498

Hlinsko v Čechách

539 01

Česká republika

Mob.:+420 603 582 336, 604 141 146


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