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Základní informace

We provide repurchase of unused working and milling machines. Also complete service by customer or in the firms. We offer sale of used working and milling machines to which we can supply needed equipment.

On special equipped workroom we are able to grind equipment, circular-saw blades and grinding made to order. As exclusive representative of German firm Andreas Maier GmbH&Co. Felbach we supply czech market with mechanical clamps, fasters, special keys (IMBUS,TORX, hook, to face end, wrench set) hydraulic and building fastening system.

We supply complete assortment of fastening parts from finish firm OK-VISE (producer of fastening parts especially suitable for three-dimensional cutting).

We also offer magnets and magnetic fastening parts, lifting magnet and filter system Micromag made by English firm Eclipse Magnetics.

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Adresa a kontakty

třída 3. května 974 (areál HESPO)

Zlín - Malenovice

763 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 577 213 175

Mob.:+420 603 584 792, +420 777 874 480

Fax: +420 577 213 175



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