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Základní informace

The firm SAKS 1 s. r. o. deals with production, delivery, assembly and service of personal, freight lifts and lifting platforms, (further production and assembly of steel and stainless construction and metal-working). *LIFTS - production, assembly, service (personal lifts, freight lifts, lifting platforms). *LIFT COMPONENTS - deflection rollers. *We ensure service and repairs of lifts in the whole Kralovehradecky region. We pursue customer service on lifts. * LOCKSMITHERY, STEEL AND STAINLESS CONSTRUCTION - we offer supplies and assembly of steel construction and locksmith´s products. * METAL WORKING - on our cutting and moulding machines we achieve by professional ensure the production of any components and parts, from steel and also from stainless and silon. * CONVERSION ROLLERS, * STAINLESS PULLS for balcony anchorage, which are building firms using by reconstruction of block of flats. More on www.

Adresa a kontakty

Urbanice č. 92

Lhota pod Libčany

503 27

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 495 588 109

Mob.:+420 777 151 525, 608 441 070

Fax: +420 495 588 388



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