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Základní informace

The company SAVE CZ s.r.o. projects, produces ans assembles home sewage plants COV TOPAS and sewage plants with technology SBR COV - FLEXIDIBLOK. It deals with plastification of buildings and freezers. It projects, produces and assembles plastic self-contained and non-self-contained sumps, tanks and septic tanks, separators of oil substances, fats, etc. It produces and assembles plastic swimming pools destined for interior and garden. SAVE CZ s.r.o. deals with liquidation of waste (it is able to ensure all technology necessary for liquidation of individual kinds of waste both solid and liquid). It burns BIOMASS in its incinerator in Hlinsko. It is about combustion of wooden matter with subsequent using of heat for heating of a housing estate. It realizes ground works with JCB machine by using of own trucks. It also deals with repairs of cars and trucks and sells diesel oil, poured or packaged oils, lead accumulators. More information on web site.

Adresa a kontakty

Rváčovská 1639


539 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 469 314 461

Fax: +420 469 314 462



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