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Základní informace

Building and business firm TOMAS SELNIK UNIMA PLUS deals with realization of classic building activity including reconstruction of old and unsuitable buildings, adaptation and rebuildings of sanitary units, sale of sanitary products SFA SANIBROY... Recently is specializes in repairs and reconstructions of flats in Ostrava and independent flat cooperations and fellowships of house owners. Special services are guaranteed by highly professional firms. The firm has at its disposal reliable technical equipment, transport and handling technology with quality operation and communication network. The firm is able to realize orders of several millions of crowns. The employees are able to satisfy the most demanding customers thanks to their skill, experience and good technical equipement. It also ensures freight transport, import of bulk materials including delivery and transports of rubble by own containers.

Adresa a kontakty

Zukalova 12

Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava

703 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 596 620 632

Fax: +420 596 620 632



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