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Základní informace

The company deals with sale of loaders of the Slovak firm WAY INDUSTRY and is exlusive representative for the Moravia. It offer very favourite loaders UNC 060, UNC 750 and LOCUST 750, new modern type LOCUST L 752 änd more efficient and bigger type LOCUST L 1203, a wide choice of additionnal equipment from various shovels, through a ditcher, sweepers, blenders etc. The firm got also a representation of the firm FIAT-KOBELCO, former FIAT-HITACHI. Within this representation we can offer you loaders with excavator, loaders, wheel and caterpillar excavators and dozers. Other mechanization as compacting technology of the WEBER firm, PERLES vibrators, HONDA engine machines, trucks for transport of machines of MOS Sitborice, MRK-11 nad 14 wheel miniexcavators, MASTER heaters, BLUE GENSETS and HONDA electrocentral, ROBIN water and sewage pumps, PICO, PIONJAR and COBRA petrol drill and pulling-down hammers, ATMOS mobile compressors, ATLAS COPCO electric hand tools. It sells and buys out older and used machines. We can offer you favorable leasing service for purchase of building technology. More on www. Branch offices: Prazakova st. 39, Brno, tel./fax: + 420 543 251 623, Klimkovicka st. 2, Ostrava-Poruba, tel./fax: + 420 596 920 800.

Adresa a kontakty

Na Šibeníku 154/3


779 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 585 709 340

Mob.:+420 603 559 259

Fax: +420 588 500 587



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