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Základní informace

The firm EL-VY spol. s r.o. supplies and assemblies UNIT AND BULK HANDLING SYSTEM, WAREHOUSING TECHNOLOGY AND HANDLING SYSTEM. It acts about: SHELF SYSTEMS, LIFTS – of all kinds, including optical barriers of the trade mark Memco ltd. For lift cabins and without gear box drive Meteorit MFD, which is intended for cable-stayed lifts. Further it supplies LIFTING PLATFORMS, CONVEYORS – for material transport. Instead of full supplies of equipments it also produces components: DISTRIBUTORS for lifts, conveyors and warehousing technology; CALL BUTTOMS and buttom combination of lift cabins. Of course there is lasering or engraving of logo, cards and so forth. The firm EL-VY spol. s r.o. provides an authorized service of mechanism of the trade mark Nord GmbH and shelf systems SSI Schäfer. More information, including some references find at our web site

Adresa a kontakty

Čs. armády 218


537 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 469 637 219-221

Fax: +420 469 630 017



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