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Základní informace

LIKTO Company operates in the following areas: THERMIC REMOVING – cleaning and removing of metal materials coated with the layers of substances containing hydrocarbons. Cleaning and removing is running by means of thermal decomposition (so-called low-temperature carbonization) of organic compounds, released gases are dissipated in the after-burn chamber, where are those gases totally burnt. Our production capacity enables remove or clean the layers of organic coating in quantities up to 250 tons per year. Equipment is used for cleaning: hinges, hooks, tail clamp bar, capping strip, etc; engine parts, cylinder heads, etc. (pollution of paint, combustion gases or oils); parts of electrical machines (engines, windings, etc.). CLEANING OF PAINTSHOPS – cleaning of floor surfaces and external surfaces of technological equipment; complex cleaning of technological equipment (spray booth, air-conditioning, air filtration, air washer, fenders washer, discharging, drying and cooling tunnels, ionisation frames, chain conveyors); cleaning of grates of spray booths, suspension bars, hinges and bearers; hang up the hinges according to KANBAN plan; calibration and repairs of hinges, production of prototypes and new hinges; exchange of filtration materials (pocket filters, filter mats, etc); supply operations (chemicals and overhead materials needed for ensure the operations of the paintshops). INDUSTRIAL CLEANING – mechanical sweeping of the roads and surfaces; mechanical cleaning of the roads and surfaces; dust-exhaust; cleaning of air-conditioning; cleaning of floors, inside and outside walls, by dry or wet way; cleaning of the windows, skylights (double); maintenance of grass plots. LOCKSMITH WORK – CO welding, welding by flame, machining, bending and coiling. WASTE MANAGEMENT – we have our own container and transport technology ensuring that waste is collected as close to their origin; in case of complex takeover of your waste management, we offer elaboration of operating rules according to applicable law. We provide training for executive staff and middle management staff in the sphere of waste sorting and treatment with hazardous chemicals. Part of the contract with us is also legislative services, preparation of annual reports for the relevant authorities. PLASTICS RENEGERATION – recycling of plastic materials; among the materials, that we process, belong: PC-ABS, PC-PET, ABS, PP, PP + EPDM, PE. The company is a holder of certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. More information you can find on our web site .

Adresa a kontakty

U Kolory 302

Liberec 25

463 12

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 482 360 725; +420 485 131 463

Mob.:+420 603 509 855, +420 603 509 856, +420 603 840 999

Fax: +420 482 360 731



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