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Základní informace

Company TRIOM is engineering manufacturing plant with its own technological and manufacturing capacities. It designs, builds and manufactures technological and handling equipment, for the most part to order, single-purpose machines for the most part for engineering plants. It specializes in technological equipment in the area of arc welding, robotics, handling and automation. Additional programme is design engineering, manufacturing and delivery of office interiors, laboratory and workplace equipment. In our own metal plant we perform machining, welding for external companies, remodeling and repairs of Tatra vehicles parts and sharpening of tools and equipment in our own sharpening shop. Details about our production programme are on our web site. The TRIOM business section will elaborate for you free price offer on the basis of demand. Contact us by phone, fax or e-mail.

Adresa a kontakty

Martinská čtvrť 1699

Frenštát pod Radhoštěm

744 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 556 836 126

Fax: +420 556 840 649



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