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Základní informace

Joint-stock company HOCHTIEF CZ is a strong construction company operating on the Czech market with a long tradition. It is a part of the supranational concern, which has its own branches all over the world. HOCHTIEF CZ concentrates on the execution of residential, commercial and institutional, industrial, environmental and water management, traffic infrastructure, pipeline and developer projects. It works according to principles of permanently sustainable development – i.e. in a balanced world from which one not only takes, but also provides. The aim of the company HOCHTIEF CZ is to be a trustworthy and reliable partner. A partner who one can consults construction plans with. The company treasures the values that surround it and on the further creation of which it wants cooperate with its partners. An important aspect of the company’s activities is a quality and responsibility for the living space we all live in. More information find on our web sites

Adresa a kontakty

Plzeňská 16/3217

Praha 5

150 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 257 406 000

Fax: +420 257 406 008



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